blog-poll 2: mung v. chode

pssst! fuck my mouth!
excuse the homoerotica, pussies and pricks... but genesis and i got into the whole mung v. chode debate the other day and i was *challenged* to post it on the blog... yes, that's right. CHALLENGED. so, the space between the arsehole and the nuts that this horny homo is about to give a polishing with his tongue... is it a mung or a chode?
vote in the comments section... there's alot at stake riding on the outcome of this poll, so please vote and vote often...
it's a chode, you shitlickers.
You realize that your blog is rapidly deteriorating into the kind of absurdity that blogs should try and avoid. I don't know if it's a chode or a mung, and I don't much care - get back to slagging people from the early 90s!
It is essential
The point of contact of thighs
It is called the Mung
Tender and Sweaty,
It's not the ass OR the balls
Give your mung a lick.
That space you do lick
B'tween the ass and the dick
Bottom line is chode
DAMN YOU POON! Our rivalry has begun. CUNT is my only hope! How does thee voteth Cunt!?
It's the TAINT. Taint quite balls, taint quite ass.
Taint your poopchute, taint your skinflute, that's why we call it taint.
for women, tain your hiney, taint your vaginey, that's why we call it taint.
this blog-poll debate
provides me such merriment
like tongue to a chode
In fact GENESIS,
Bloody afterbirth
The definition of mung
Sorry Genesis
It's true.
I'm with Poon on this one. Chode it is. I'd like to know where that word originated. Can you enlighten us Poon?
Mung is afterbirth?
What planet are you from Poon?
Can I see your mung?
I know when to bow out of a debate gracefully. The response for chode was overwhelming. Even B-Cunt said last night that she thought chode suited the region much better. They thought mung sounded like bodily fluid, whereas I felt it conjured images of a ball of skin and hair. Therefore:
I felt it was mung
My reality shattered,
I now concede: Chode.
psssttt... actally, both are wrong.. it's "banus" (because it's between the balls and the anus)
well well well...
what a debate it has been pussies and pricks! but it appears that chode has won out over mung, taint and banus.
can anyone recommend a way that we could commemorate this fine occassion?
i had it proposed to me yesterday that this part of the body is called the grundle... apparently, it's a bit of a montreal term...
It's the "nacho".
Cause it's "nacho" balls,
and "nacho" ass
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