smear campaign 1: ben mulroney

readers! smear him!
I received the following correspondence from genesis in my inbox today (after a debate about the camilla scott show):
talk tv, channel 90
it's one of the free channels that I have with no cable. but i have to be careful because ben mulroney shows his ugly fucking fake face on there a lot. is there any chance that i could spearhead a smear campaign against ben mulroney on your blog site? possibly a smear campaign against camilla scott too? only because she had such a smug, egotistical attitudeand dykie-ass hair cut.
but first and foremost, we need to smear the FUCK out of ben mulroney. it needs to be swift and vicious.
so here you be genesis! let's smear the fuck out of this brian and mila spawned cum-stain in such a way that even belinda stronach would blush. (camilla scott -- watch out! you're next crunt!) haiku this motherfucker!
oh! ben mulroney
with plastic face, rubber hair
child of privilege
Ben you fake asshole
Oh! Your Daddy was PM?
No one gives a fuck
Evil, you work quickly! I left that email just last night at about 1 am. Very impressive. I appreciate the opportunity to smear a canadian who needs to be punched, very hard, in the face, gut, and balls. I understand there maybe some out there who feel he is a worthy citizen. You may go and fuck yourself, as he is the devils child.
E! Talk Daily, WHY?
Why must we look at his face?
Why must we suffer?
Your smile is so fake
Your plastic face is scary
Why are you alive?
ben, you stupid cunt
so hollywood calls your name?
canada hates you
Genesis - your poetry is again filling me with great warmth. Perhaps Madame Bouvier could help us with our campaign since she has actually had the pleasure of meeting the annoying little twat.
And here is my contribution:
Ben you are so lame
We don't want to play your game
Time to end your fame
I haven't forgot
How this all got started, Ben!
Drown in your own piss.
Did anyone see the boy wonder at the Junos? Could he be more of a star-fucker? If his nose was any further up those people's asses he'd be blowing shit. Wait, he is full of shit. I hate that bastard!
And I loved the up-turned collar on his coat. Does anyone else think he's gay? I read today that he's a big fan of FeFe Dobson. Doesn't get much gayer than that!
I agree that he is an incredibly gay acting straight man. I have seen him talking to 'stars' and he is the most sucky uppyest jerk off that I've ever seen on TV. Sad Really.
And I thought I was the only one who hates this SOB!
His fake ugly face makes me want knock his teeth in especially when I tie it in with his fathers face!
He's a little bastard I agree. What a fucking kiss ass with movie stars!!! And when talks to the 'stars' he's like a little girl with that annoying "...we're from Canada, say hello.'! Man, I detest him. My girlfriend says he's Satan's child (close). And I always thought slobbering over stars was a job for ladies? Ben, you little fag, get a job, a real job, you ignorant smug little fuck!
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