summer's over
i think we all need to take a step back and re-examine our lives once and a while. make sure things are still in check and that you're headed in the directions you reckoned. just as i used the summer as a time to reflect on my first year in graduate studies at b-list canadian university, i now lay awake wondering about what the fuck this past summer in vancity was all supposed to mean... was a mild step backward in my career worth all the debauchery, sex, booze, drugs, memories and friendships made and lost over the summer?
fuck yeah.
i think too fucking much. i can't stand the rattling my head does at times. the things i figured out over the last year are no different than the bullshit the rest of you go through. fer chrissakes, i'm not interesting!
but things progress... back in ottawa, hot off the heels of a visit from none other than the puss in all her feline glory... awaiting the arrival of b-cunt who's appearance will coincide with a "first year undergrad" themed party me and the new house-mates will be engaging in saturday night. i've enrolled in a fencing program. and my advisor at school is proving to be an intriguing character... perhaps a bit too interesting.
and one more thing... the blog is back.
oh, ciao-for-now bash...
snifty snakes makes memories;
went out in fine style.
welcome to cent. ont.
i need the undergrad bash
fuck fuck cunt cunt cunt
dil'tante, bobby, me
tall drinks and talk at dooney's
christ, it's been four years?
body, mind, soul, cypher
only stuff we have anymore
keep that shit balanced
panic and sadness
ev'rything falling apart
haiku salvation
don't be dramatic!
circle is not shattering
instead it expands...
and how is el dil?
has he gone into hiding?
dil, an email please!
Limping across town
Thanks for the diagnosis!
Sweat shop shoes to blame
Evil - thanks for the O-twat hospitality. Was a rockin' good time! - Puss
Time to start anew
To stop living in the past
The fall awaits us
starting anew? yes!
but scary past can still haunt;
time needed to heal
the puss in ot-twat:
"but i gotta see the tanks"
six minutes 'til close...
Hey Pussy, thanks for coming out! I had alot of fun too... How's the foot?
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