now this motherfucker just pisses me off. he was interviewed on the cbc yesterday morning as he has been frequently since moving to canada a few years back. why? is he a revolutionary thinker or brilliant humanitarian??? no, no, no. he's on the radio because he's a b-list hollywood celebrity who moved to canada! that's it, that's all. in the words of moonbeam bouvier: super-dee-doo! and why do we care??? because the fucking babyboomers love any american b-lister who they can recognize from american network television. "omigod! he's a celebrity." meanwhile we have brilliant canadian scientists, athletes, philosophers, etc., who go unrecognized because we are all sitting around our radios listening to this twat.
it's this shit that drives me nuts about canada. grow the fuck up.
stroll back home yankee!
your b-list kind we want not
eat shit and die, douche.
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jesus, fuck you mike
failed celebrity wanker
we don't want you here
A loser for sure
With Flex as his bodyguard
Snortin' coke with ho's
Filmed in downtown Van
At Funky Winkerbeans Pub
An urban legend?
R.I.P. Funky's
face it michael: Ben Stone sucked
live in a small shack
come to toronto
there will be much pcp
dilly needs you too
it's all about ME
evil sociopathy
mike is not 'arty
evil fucks michael?
he'd rather eat b'linda's snatch
too busy fencing?
genesis you leap
to conclusions so quickly!
why is this the case?
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