19 October 2005

i can't bring myself to smear: ashley macissac

ashely macissac poses in front of his artwork in toronto
okay, i was fully prepared to smear the fuck out of poor ol' ashley macissac but realized that i couldn't bring myself to do it. evil! you ask. why not? indulge me. blessed by some kick-ass fiddle skills, his parents shopped this poor kid out to the folk-obsessed atlantic canadian news media, who threw him on the five o-clock news when he was ten years old. from that point he launched into this ridiculous music career as a teenager touring through the atlantic provinces and eventually across canada and around the world. he tried for a short time to make fiddle music cool and actually pulled it off for an album or so. i hated him, but whatever. too bad for him he was actually a big homo, and had to undergo what could only have been a extremely rough coming out process in the public eye, resulting in a crack addiction and some ill-advised public declarations of using his 16 year old concubine's mouth as a urinal. all this could only have been his way of telling the media to fuck off and leave him be. the rest of us get to fuck up in private. i have great empathy to those who cannot.
i'm pleased to see that his latest musical offering is titled 'pride'. a bit cheesy, but probably an healthy move in the right direction for ol' ashley.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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19/10/05 8:29 pm  
Blogger Sweetness and Light said...

the maritime's shame
victim of folk obsession;
now piss in their mouths

19/10/05 8:43 pm  
Blogger Graham said...

ash loves water sports
sing "i'm gonna piss on you"
no gordon lightfoot

19/10/05 10:37 pm  
Blogger Sweetness and Light said...

he's from cape breton,
not exactly progressive;
diddle his fiddle

22/10/05 3:25 pm  

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