the dilettante and i were chatting on instant messaging software the other night...
evil says: please! smear rachel marsden!
the dilettante says: done
evil says: good.
dilettante says: did my muslim real estate agent show the place yet?
evil says: No.
dilettante says: bastard
evil says: we were both on our death-beds waiting for him yesterday, but he has yet to come...
dilettante says: death beds?
evil says: bad case of tonsillitis going around. i actually broke down and saw a doctor this morning.
dilettante says: hellagross
evil says: yep. ola and i were envisioning the scene of the muslim real estate agent coming in and her and i sitting in our bathrobes looking like death. fortunaltey it never happened.
dilettante says: thank god that didn't happen. if you see paul martin around town, could you please murder him for me? this business with parliament makes me physically ill.
evil says: paul martin? i saw D. Hurford on the way to the clinic this morning. almost added homicidal tendancies and projectile vomiting to my list of symptoms.
dilettante says: i'll never work in politics again, me thinks. these types will never be out of the game, and i refuse to get in while they're still there. mayhaps the revolution is more necessary than i first imagined. i've decided that once this first book is published i'm going to publicly declare an intellectual fatwah against douglas coupland.
dilettante says: I'll need some fellow intellectuals to back me up. on call in shows and the like.
evil says: intellectual fatwah... i almost bought his new book 'terry' last week. $35 seemed a bit steep though...
dilettante says: barf. he claims to be donating all profits to the foundation, but of course he didn't donate his fat advance. he might as well just take photographs of his own genitalia and make a coffee table book out of those, for all the intellectual prostitution he's done in the past few years.
dilettante says: nope, heard terrible things about it. It's just a thinly veiled account of his own pathetic, lonely existence. boring!
evil says: everything has it's constituency... no matter how small and middle-aged.
dilettante says: i guess. but it doesn't count as art.
evil says: okay, gotta go eat.
dilettante says: talk to you later.